Mera Peak Climbing Equipment List

As per our Nepal Himalaya peak climbing experienced, we highly recommend you requirement of following Mera peak equipments. Without any problem you can hire in Kathmandu at Khare before reach Mera base camp.

  1. Fix rope / Main rope
  2. Climbing boot
  3. Crampons
  4. Ice axe / Ice hamber
  5. Harness
  6. Snow Bar
  7. Jumars
  8. Finger eight / ATC guide
  9. Ice crew / Rock Piktung
  10. Tap sling
  11. Karabiners

Note: If you do not have above require Mera peak climbing equipment with you from there. Does not worry at all we can hire all the necessary climbing equipments at Khahare or in Kathmandu at very reasonable price.